Aligning Mind, Body & Spirit

Sat Nam. My name is Melisandrah Magdalyne (Grace Geller) and I am a student of the Ancient Wisdoms.

I hold a Masters of Science degree in Early Childhood Education, teaching certification in Radiant Child and Kundalini Yoga, practice and teach Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki™ (Master Teacher) and an Access Consciousness Bars and Facelift Facilitator. I am also a Biofield Sound Therapist, and an advanced practitioner of Soul Alignment through the Akashic records.

I have devoted my life to teaching children and their families.  Profound grief and depression caused me to seek peace and healing through non traditional modalities. My journey to radiant health and happiness is the basis of my practice. The peace I obtained from these gifts inspired me to share them. I focus on removing blocks and restrictions on a soul and physical level, there upon clearing the way for healing to begin.

I am always available for a healing consultation and can be reached here.

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